Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wind Power, Article X, and the Production Tax Credit

Future Of Wind Riding On Next Presidential Election
Article X is a part of the Power New York Act of 2011. Article X rules state that a 7 member board, five state agency officials and two community members from local towns, can vote on whether a wind project happens in certain towns, and where the turbines would be located.
Critics of Article X say it takes away a town’s right to vote against a wind project, supporters maintain that there are two community local votes involved. Both State Senator Tom O’Mara (R, Big Flats) and Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R, Corning) voted for the new Article X.
However, experts on both sides of the wind issue maintain that the survival of wind depends more on the Federal Production Tax Credit. The tax credit is subsidy money that goes to wind and other alternative energy companies. The production tax credit is up for renewal after the November elections.
President Obama says he’s for extending it, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is against.

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