Tuesday, March 22, 2011



CHICAGO—"The promotion of wind turbines is a scam and stealth tax," charged the President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).

“Wind turbines are far less efficient than coal-burning plants. Turbines have roughly 30 percent efficiency, while coal plants operate at 90 percent efficiency,” said Jim Tobin, TUA President.

“Wind turbine companies receive massive taxpayer subsidies,” said Tobin. “They receive federal subsidies of 66 percent of construction costs, and also receive more than $23 per megawatt they produce. Convention generation receives about $1 per megawatt.”

“For every million dollars wind turbine companies spend in construction costs, they get a check for $330,000 from the federal government. The rest they must put up, but that is usually paid off in a very short term once they connect to the grid and begin generating tax credits, which are then sold to large companies to ‘offset’ pollution.”

“Wind turbine lobbyists are pushing the EPA and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to promulgate corrupt, anti-taxpayer regulations. Lobbyists have pushed the EPA to declare coal ash hazardous.”

“A good example of this scam is in Illinois, where FERC is proposing to force Illinois electric consumers to pay $1.3 billion to upgrade the national grid to connect wind machines. The Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), passed by Springfield politicians, forces utilities to buy high-cost wind energy and then to charge consumers extra to pay for it. It is a hidden tax on energy that drives up its cost.”

A November 8 article in the Wall Street Journal stated: “Senators Henry Reid of Nevada and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, both of whom have big wind and solar projects in their states, pushed a Senate energy bill this summer that would have socialized … transmission costs. That bill has stalled, so FERC -- supported by the White House and Democratic leaders -- may move on its own.”

“I urge taxpayers to contact federal lawmakers and demand they immediately draft bills to block both EPA and FERC. Additionally, Illinois taxpayers should contact their state legislators and ask them to repeal the state RPS.”

For more information, contact Rich Porter of Energize Illinois: An Energy Policy Group, at (217) 379-9007.

Founded in 1976, TUA is one of the largest taxpayer organizations in MidAmerica.

407 South Dearborn, Suite 1170  Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312) 427-5128  Fax: (312) 427-5139  Web: NTUI.org  Email: ntui@NTUI.org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an engineer, I know that no coal plant is going to have 90% efficiency. There is a lot of waste heat that could be used, so that statement is erroneous. I would like to know where that gentleman gets his numbers.