Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nadja Laska Nov. 9, 2007 Letter to Wyoming County IDA

Nadja Laska
2027 French Road
Varysburg, NY

Michael Heftka
Executive Director
Wyoming County IDA
6470 Route 20A, Suite 4
Perry, New York

Re: High Sheldon Wind Farm - - Application for Financial Assistance

Dear Mr. Heftka:

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to comment on the Application for Financial Assistance submitted by Sheldon Energy LLC for the proposed project High Sheldon Wind Farm.

As I am not a financial analyst, I submitted Sheldon Energy's application to an independent consultant for review and comment.

In the hope of assisting you and the WC IDA in making a well reasoned and objective decision on this application I have attached those findings and some additional comments.

At this time I would like to state for the record that I am opposed to the High Sheldon Industrial Wind Farm.

With regard to the WC IDA criteria standard which states "The application must demonstrate that significant new jobs will be created and / or retained, and that their project will not have a significant adverse impact upon existing business and employment."

I would submit to you that 9 full time and 6 part time positions for two years at a cost of $300,000.00 per year does not meet your criteria of "significant new jobs or the retention of existing ones."

I would further submit to you that the cumulative construction of Industrial Wind farms in Wyoming County will have a significant adverse impact upon existing business and employment: (e.g.) real estate sales, new home construction contractors, laborers, building supply retailers recreational businesses and activities: fishing, hunting, horseback riding, camping, snowmobile riding, and small aircraft flying among others will be either severely curtailed or completely eliminated.

The unavailability of necessary goods, services and recreation would destroy the quality of life for Wyoming County residents causing them to leave the county, thereby eroding the county tax base.

A reduced population in Wyoming County will have a detrimental effect on the remaining existing businesses and service providers as there will be a reduced demand, higher prices and less employment opportunity.

This outcome would be disastrous to all of Wyoming County and must not be permitted.

As the applicant has failed to "demonstrate a convincing need for WC IDA involvement" the application must be denied.

As the applicant has failed to "demonstrate that significant new jobs will be created and / or retained" the application must be denied.

As the project proposed will have a significant adverse impact upon existing businesses and employment the application must be denied.

As the applicant makes no "strong commitment to hire Wyoming County residents" no priority consideration must be given.

As the applicant's proposed project will result in loss of economic benefits to Wyoming County the application for financial assistance must be denied and the project must be taxed at full assessment.

By granting the applicant of this project Financial Assistance for:

Sales and use tax abatement
Property tax abatement and
Full exemption from mortgage recording tax

The WC IDA will be granting Sheldon Energy LLC's application for corporate welfare at the expense of ALL Wyoming County Taxpayers.

Respectfully submitted,

Nadja Laska

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