Saturday, September 09, 2006

Neapolitans apparently apathetic about impending wind towers Brian A. Herman, Naples, NY

It seems to be obvious due the the dismal turnout of Neapolitans at the Naples Hotel, August 28th concerning the wind farms, that there is not much interest in the upcoming construction of these turbines.

I had trouble falling asleep after listening to intelligent, educated and thought provoking speakers who presented unbiased facts about the construction, maintenance and eventual removal of hundreds of the megaliths that will sooner or later be coming to dominate our landscape. Of course, since so few villagers or townspeople were in the audience, I hope you all slept soundly.

At a meeting in Springwater, over 200 taxpayers voiced their objections to a mere 14 proposed windmills and the developer dropped the project. If only Naples, Cohocton, Prattsburgh and Italy Valley could be so united. We could definitely develop a renewable energy windfarm, that would be less environmental destructive aesthetically intrusive and actually save us local inhabitants money.

I am not a wind power project whore. I don't have property that would be suitable for the turbines to be erected. Most of us are in the same boat, yet the few naive, ill-informed or just plain greedy landowners who have signed secret lease agreements with several large wind power companies are now selling our quality of life down the river.

There are so many negatives to this project that I won't bore you with my worries. I am saddened by the thought that soon it will be more pleasant to drive north onto the flat lands than to come south to our beautiful valleys.

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