Sunday, June 18, 2006

June 17, 2006 Robert C. Strasburg II response to Wayne Hunt

Robert C. Strasburg II
60 Maple Ave.
Cohocton, New York 14826

June 17, 2006

Honorable Councilman Wayne Hunt
Cohocton Town Board
Cohocton, NY 14826

Re: Response to your letter

Dear Wayne:

Thank you for your letter of response. Wayne, you have chided me for being insincere to you when actually I did mean what I said about my respect for you and still hold to that opinion. Anyway... I am grateful for your response. Since your letter was headed “Open Letter”, I have taken the liberty of copying it below for reference.

Wayne, in my letter to you I did inquire as to your willingness to meet me in open debate on the issues surrounding these wind turbines. I have no interest in personal attacks, because you are right, you do deserve better treatment than that. I am interested in debating the issues with you. Are you interested?

I am sure you remember when I first started asking you about your reason for supporting these wind turbines, you said “because of the revenue”. Well, I wonder … do you still hold to that now that the numbers have been released and the $160,000 that the wind company is possibly going to give our Town is lower than any of us even dreamed it would be? I can show you how this supposed credit into our General Fund will end up being a debit when the Town of Cohocton has to respond to the presence of these turbines. Would you be willing to debate this point on the Cohocton Wind Watch’s web site? If you will email your position on how this will benefit our Town to , it will be posted unaltered and I will respond to your posting on the web site.

I am asking you to debate on two points; “the benefit of the revenue to the Town” and I would also like to debate you on what your position is on “property rights of neighbors to the proposed towers”. As represented by my previous letter Wayne, I am not interested in attacking you personally. This is not personal. This is about differences of opinions and issues.

I understand your reference in the letter below to the parade not stopping … you did not even stop to legally wait for our Town Planning Board to offer their recommendations on this project. In your letter, you declared that you are the leader of this parade, carrying the torch. Was it your decision to cause the Town Board to illegally violate our Town Zoning Law, disrespect the Planning Board Chairman and sidestep the Planning Board? I am not patronizing you when I sincerely ask you to reconsider your position Wayne.

Respectful still,
Robert C. Strasburg II

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